19th century in florida câu
19th century
As the 19th century began, a darkening shadow moved across Europe.Đầu thế kỷ 19, một bóng đen u ám bao trùm khắp Châu Âu. "In 19th cen...

19th century in australia
Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the United States, while s...

19th century in brazil
Years of the 19th century in Brazil •Năm của thế kỷ 19 ở Brasil Years of the 19th century in BrazilNăm của thế kỷ 19 ở Brasil

19th century in british india
The Indo-Saracenic Revival (also known as Indo-Gothic, Mughal-Gothic, Neo-Mughal, Hindoo or Hindu-Gothic) was an architectural style mo...

19th century in canada
The practice of wearing white coat was first introduced in the 19th century in Canada by Dr. George Armstrong (1855-1933).Ban đầu, chiế...

19th century in denmark
Late 19th century in Denmark.Thế kỷ 19 ở Đan Mạch

19th century in england
In the second half of the 19th century, in England, golf was still a sport reserved for nobility.Thế kỷ XIX, ở Anh, golf vẫn là môn thể...

19th century in europe
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century in Europe.Xe đạp đã được đưa vào sử dụng vào thế kỷ 19 ở châu Âu. Classical liberalism de...

19th century in film
See also: 19th century in film.Thể loại:Thế kỷ 19 trong điện ảnh 19th century in filmThế kỷ 19 trong điện ảnh

19th century in france
The mélodie arose just before the middle of the 19th century in France.Thể loại mélodie chỉ nổi lên trước giữa thế kỉ 19 ở Pháp. Histo...

19th century in germany
The Boxer we know today was developed in the late 19th century in Germany.Boxer mà chúng ta biết ngày nay đã được phát triển vào cuối t...

19th century in greece
In the early 19th century in Greece, many upper-class women wore empty pistachio shells over their nails, slowly spreading the artifici...

19th century in italy
Roulette exists since the 18th century in France and became more popular in the 19th century in Italy, Germany, UK and in the first par...

19th century in japan
According to Steve Nison, author of Beyond Candlesticks, Kagi charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan.Theo Steve Nison, ...

19th century in russia
There was a game in the middle of the 19th century in Russia.Có một trò chơi ở giữa thế kỷ 19 ở Nga.

19th century in spain
Nevertheless, a stocky type of horse living in forests and highlands was described during the 19th century in Spain, the Pyrenees, the ...

19th century in sweden
Founded by Henry Dunker at the end of the 19th century in Sweden, Tretorn was an innovator in footwear from the moment it was launched....

19th century in the united states
Poker was developed some time during the early 19th century in the United States.Poker đã được phát triển một thời gian vào đầu thế kỷ ...

19th century in tokyo
At the beginning of the 19th century in Tokyo (Edo), the food service industry was mostly dominated by mobile food stalls, from which n...

19th century in wales
A well known proverb is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away" dates from the 19th century in Wales.Người ta tin rằng câu nói “Một quả ...

19th-century american literature
The Huntington describes Skandera Trombley as a, “preeminent academic within the field of 19th-century American literature and specific...

19th-century artists
Few 19th-century artists have captured the imagination quite like Vincent Van Gogh.Rất ít nghệ sĩ thế kỷ 19 đã chiếm được trí tưởng tượ...

19th-century bolivian people
19th-century Bolivian peopleNgười Bolivia thế kỷ 19

19th-century books
Microsoft formed a partnership with the library in November 2005 to fund the scanning of up to 100,000 out-of-copyright 19th-century bo...

19th-century german mathematicians
The next big step forward came when Einstein was introduced to the mathematics of geometry developed by the 19th-century German mathema...